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Build your own custom MIDI Transformer

A written lesson with a free Max for Live Device. 

To access and modify this information, we use a series of dict.unpack and array objects. The image below shows the basic blocks required to extract and modify note data from Live

The object lets us iterate through and modify elements of an array. The image below shows what happens when we send an array into an object.

Element note 1 data note 2 data note 3 data note 4 data note 5 data note 6 data note 7 data note 8 data Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Each element of the array contains the following information… note_id: The first note in the clip = 1. The second = 2… This is related to the clip, not the selected notes pitch: Pitch of the note (0-127) start_time: Where the note is positioned in the clip. The end of the first 1/4 note = 1. The second = 2… duration: The length of the note. So end-time = start_time + duration… velocity: The velocity of the note (0-127) mute: If the note is disabled in the editor 1, otherwise 0 probability: The note’s probability parameter value velocity_deviation: The note’s velocity deviation parameter value release_velocity: The release velocity of the note (0-127)

An array is a collection of elements, each identified by an index. In this case, each element in the array contains information about a MIDI note inside of the clip. If you were to select 8 notes to transform, the object would output an array with 8 elements… 1 for each note.

The transform algorithm gets executed by sending a “bang” message into the object, which then outputs an array of note data from live.